Wiser about Scientific research

Sarcoidosis is a complex disease and much concerning this disease is still unknown. It can be difficult to diagnose patients. In some cases it is necessary to diagnose someone using biopsies, to determine the presence of granulomas under the microscope, with 100% certainty. However, sometimes this biopsy is considered to difficult or to dangerous. Think about obtaining brain- or nerve tissue in case of involvement of the nervous system (neurosarcoidosis) in some, but not all cases. Furthermore, not all patient respond wel to treatment. Especially in some rare manifestations of the disease this has not been investigated yet. To understand the disease better we are conducting scientific research of chronic inflammatory disorders, like sarcoidosis. We hope to collect more knowledge about this disease to ultimately improve patient care.

Scientific research

Recent publications

Endosonography vs conventional bronchoscopy for the diagnosis of sarcoidosis: the GRANULOMA randomized clinical trial

von Bartheld MB, Dekkers OM, Szlubowski A, Eberhardt R, Herth FJ, in 't Veen JC, de Jong YP, van der Heijden EH, Tournoy KG, Claussen M, van den Blink B, Shah PL, Zoumot Z, Clementsen P, Porsbjerg C, Mauad T, Bernardi FD, van Zwet EW, Rabe KF, Annema JT For the diagnosis of sarcoidosis, identifying granulomas in affected tissue is preferred. This is done by extracting lymph node tissue in the lungs via a biopsy. In this article the investigators evaluated what is the best way to perform the biopsy: with endosonography or with bronchoscopy (which is standard care). The article describes that endosonography is the best way to perform biopsy. Furthermore it describes what kind of complications might be expected.

Many faces of neurosarcoidosis: from chronic meningitis to myelopathy

Drs. D. Fritz, Drs. M. Voortman, Prof. dr. D. van de Beek, Prof. dr. M. Drent, Dr. M.C. Brouwer This article gives a nice overview of our current knowledge on the clinical presentation, diagnostics, treatment and outcome of patients with neurosarcoidosis, based on international literature. We collaborated with the Antonius hospital in Nieuwegein.

More recent publications

Research groups

Vasculitiscentrum AMCNeurosarcoïdose - Neuroinfecties Amsterdam